Bright, open and cheerful, the site’s friendliness is communicated clearly, making it an inviting place for people to find information and network about the food and beverage industry in Alberta. Information comes in bite-size chunks, making it easier for people who use English as a second language.
AFPA is including on-page advertising. We prepped this sample ad as our own advertisement to show their membership that we are a resource they can also draw upon for design and marketing services.
The Alberta Food Processors’ Association (AFPA) promotes and represents Alberta’s food & beverage producers, processors, co-packers and associates across Canada and to international organizations.
AFPA had reached a point with an outdated and clunky custom content management system (CMS) for their website that they realized it was holding back their efforts to support their members and grow their association. It was time for a change and they chose to draw on our considerable experience with moving and reorganzing large informational sites.
Typical for projects we work on, we extracted, assessed, edited and recombined the many pages of content, and created fresh site architecture and developed a design language that would appeal to small businesses and large corporations equally. Many food entrepreneurs are immigrants with English as a second language, so it meant being more casually conversational in our text than quasi-governmental and bureaucratic.
Beyond the many pages of information and resources AFPA creates and hosts, they facilitate courses in food safety and workplace safety, as well os organize a number of networking events throughout the year. We recommended WordPress as the CMS. Easy to use and well documented, we extended its abilities with plugins for membership, CRM integration, ecommerce and course and event registration, making sure all moving parts play together nicely.
AFPA is happy with the results. Response by their membership has been very positive. With our ongoing relationship with AFPA staff, the learning curve of their new, more flexible and more powerful systems has been manageable, and frustrations get resolved in a timely manner.
ClientAlberta Food Processors' AssociationServicesWebsite DesignYear2023–PresentLinkwww.afpa.com