Arch wanted to update their web presence and through a grant-funded RFP process we emerged as the contracted agency. After our initial assessment, we saw the potential to make them look less like a quasi-governmental organization and more like the thriving retail operation they wanted to be.
We did some simple things that brought the audience into the Arch story. Showing a hopeful young person right at the top is an avatar for the experience of being in Arch, and underneath that we tell the high-level version of the Arch story succinctly in three images and accompanying text.
Throughout the site, we upgraded the quality of imagery to convey polish and professionalism, and instead of a purely-text FAQ page, we turned the Learn section into something much more visual in keeping with one of the primary benefits of cultivating plants: their beauty.
The project continued through the emergence of Covid-19. With physical stores facing limitations, Arch initiated the addition of eCommerce to their site. Weekly project meetings allowed the website expansion to meet expectations, and deliverables for both sides flowing steadily.
Advising on product numbering and the depth of catalogue creation required, we kept Arch apprised of the sheer level of planning required before we ever got to building out their online store and so avoided many of the pitfalls companies fall into trying to tackle a virtual store on their own.
The online store launched on schedule and we continued to provide support as staff adjusted their mindset and learned the new skills required to manage day-to-day operations of essentially a store within their store.
Arch Enterprises does good work. As a non-profit organization, they provide day programs to adults with developmental disabilities, helping improve cognitive ability and integration in society.
Part of their organization is the commercial venture Arch Greenhouses, which employs a mix of greenhouse specialists and Arch clients. It’s a popular business with those who knew about it because of its high-quality products at competitive prices.
ClientArch GreenhousesServicesSite Design and DevelopmentYear2019–PresentLinkarchgreenhouses.com